Saturday, May 02, 2015

Worth the Wait

Have you waited for something or someone to happen for a long long time?

Is it instance happiness and happiness only when its finally at your door steps?

What you waited for all this while, what you dreamed of as how it will be,and the  comparison  about how it actually is. 
If its not quite the way you thought it will be, or if its completly opposite, you are actually sad about the happening. You feel like I was better off just waiting for it. Rather That was my virtue than this or I was rather happy not getting it at all.

If its ok, not quite what you had imagined, yet not very bad, you are still a little sad. Cause in your mind you had imagined THE joy its going to be. So you kind of still a little sad.

Then, say it has turned up exactly the way you had thought, you are happy :)
And if its better than your imagination you are completly thrilled, elated, totally on the moon. Bouncing off floor n ceiling . Probrably hugging everyone in sight. 

Experienced this?
Exam results...
Going on date with that one special person...
Finding your soulmate/ partner...
Finding a house...
Buying something u always wanted...
Going to that one posh restaurant which was always too much outside the budget...
That trip you had planned in your head about 1000 times...
That one presentation/ meeting you thought is sooooo important...

Some things are going to happen inevitably, some have fixed dates, some are totally inpredictable. 
Either ways the wait is agonising, isn't it?

In the end, its very draining. 
Feels almost like mind playing games with itself.
In the end, 'Getting' does not matter at all. Matters only that was it 'Worth the Wait'?

Can you do something about it, if it was not worth the wait after all. Nope!
Just need to smile at life and move on. 

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